Thursday, February 12, 2009


Lets get some facts strait. 

Dudes are smarter than chicks.  Jews are good at saving money.  Black people are great dancers.  Asians are good at math.  White guys can't jump.  Queers make great designers.  Catholics are pedophiles.  (I think that just about offends everyone...)  Oh yeah, fat people a great at belly flops.  And skinny people are anorexic.  (There)

I know what you're saying to yourself, "Why is Emontie Purth making all these bigoted comments?  He is usually so tasteful and full of tact."  I'll tell you why, these are not racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, or otherwise bigoted comments.  They are the facts.  Now before you start flagging my blog, or whatever you uptight librarian hippies do (oh no, now I'm being librarianist), hear me out.  It is not me being a bigot, it's you being a factist.

Think about it.  You are all "high and mighty" on your throne of political correctness, fuck you
 Bill Maher (I don't think that anyone thinks your funny other than the pompous, self-righteous, smug, holier-than-thou PPL majors that I so enjoy to hear the opinions of).  I am calling for a
 new wave of political awareness, accept people for what they are.  Certain people are just great dancers, mathematicians, fashionistas, pedophiles, bellyflop champions, or supermodels.  Those are simply the facts.

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