Wednesday, February 11, 2009

High-tops and Faux-hawks

I'm not sure when the transition took place.  Frat boys use to sport the popped collar and the blowout.  Now, they have traded in their polos for a pair of Reeboks and an even queerer hairstyle.  I'm also fairly sure that the hairstyle was actually started by legitimate homosexuals, not that there's anything wrong with that.  I don't know, I guess I've always been a bit skeptical of the whole "fraternity" thing anyway.  Any association comprised entirely of dudes, clouded in secrecy, and known for it's "late night initiations" seems a bit on the sketchy side.  And by sketchy, I mean gay.  But to call them "gay" is unfair to the gay community.  The gays have been taking it hard from a lot of different people for a very long time (I didn't mean for it to sound like that, but I guess it serves it's purpose).  I mean, think about it.  Without the gays, who would Texas lean on for all their homophobic insults?  They can't only rail on black people, can they?

I've gotten off track.  High-tops can only be pulled off by two types of people, the NBA stars and the Fresh Prince.  Why all these whiteboys think that their skinny-ass, chicken legs would look good in shoes that are obviously one or two sizes too big because they 
don't make basketball shoes in sizes under a 9 is beside me.  I mean, honestly, at least the blowout fratboys wore nice clothing.  Fratboy 2.0 couldn't find a job with those kicks if his life depended on it.  They look like white trash.  Both sects of idiots are eyesoars, don't get me wrong, but it seams as if this new model is trying to be something they are not, cool.  While the fratboys of old were, in fact, doing a great job achieving being something they were, deuche bags.

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